Идиомы в английском языке – чрезвычайно интересная и вместе с тем сложная тема для изучения. А поскольку английский язык насыщен идиомами, им следует уделить особое внимание.
Что такое идиома? Это устойчивое выражение, свойственное определенному языку, значение которого не определяется значением отдельных слов, входящих в его состав. Например, “put foot in it” — попасть впросак, сесть в калошу, вляпаться. Не пытайтесь переводить отдельные слова, заучивайте сразу правильное значение целой идиомы как нераздельной единицы.
Начинайте с малого. Например, эти 20 бизнес-идиом значительно обогатят вашу речь, а картинки помогут быстрее запомнить их значение.
Idioms | Meaning | Translation | Example |
Dead wood![]() |
People or things that are no longer useful or productive; the employees that are losing a company money. | Балласт, что-нибудь негодное, бесполезное. | We need to cut out the dead wood ASAP (as soon as possible). |
Put / stick your oar in![]() |
To involve yourself in a discussion or a situation when other people do not want you to. | Вставить пять копеек; вмешиваться, встревать (в разговор). | You shouldn’t have stuck your oar in when we were arguing with our colleagues. |
Bean counter![]() |
A person, such as an accountant or financial officer, who is concerned with quantification. | Бухгалтер, счетовод, человек, ведущий расчёты. | Today two bean counters are here to help us with our taxes. |
Rat race![]() |
A fierce struggle for success, especially in one’s career or business. | Бешеная погоня за богатством, ожесточённая конкуренция. | I am fed up with / about the rat race. |
Dogsbody![]() |
One who does menial work; a drudge. | Мальчик на побегушках, «принеси-подай», (человек, который выполняет любую работу в офисе за небольшую плату (покупает канцелярские принадлежности, заправляет катридж…)). | The dogsbody was half an hour late today. |
Сushy job![]() |
An easy, comfortable job. | Непыльная работёнка, «тёпленькое местечко». | She lost such a cushy job. |
Get the boot![]() |
To be dismissed. | Быть уволенным. | I guess you got the boot after that painful incident. |
A Mickey Mouse job![]() |
A job done incorrectly in an extremely poor manner using the simplest, easiest, cheapest and fastest way possible. | Халтура, несерьезная, наспех сделанная работа. | It’s a Mickey Mouse job – you ought to be ashamed. |
Lip service![]() |
Hypocritical respect. | Неискренние словоизлияния, пустые слова. | Although he paid lip service to their views, he was enrolled. |
Lemon![]() |
Any product you have just purchased and it’s no good. (Probably leaving a bad or bitter taste in your mouth like a lemon). | Барахло, недоброкачественное изделие (часто употребляется в отношении некачественных старых машин). | We bought that new car but it turned out to be a lemon. |
Cash cow![]() |
А product or investment that steadily continues to be profitable. | Надёжный источник денег, дойная корова. | Any independent entrepreneur longs for a cash cow product. |
Ideas hamster![]() |
А person with a creative, inventive mind who is constantly churning out new ideas. | Генератор идей. | Why don’t we ask our ideas hamster? He knows how to help us hit upon an idea. |
Basket case![]() |
A company or a person who is in such bad condition that they are beyond help. | Кто-либо или что-либо, находящееся в плачевном, изношенном состоянии; слабый, немощный человек. | After the third business meeting I was practically a basket case. |
Stress Puppy![]() |
A person who thrives on stress, yet constantly complains about it. | Персона, преуспевающая в стрессовых ситуациях. | She must be the only stress puppy in the company. |
Seagull Manager![]() |
Someone who is brought to in a company to deal with a problem or make changes, achieves nothing, annoys everyone and then leaves. | Тип менеджера, который налетает, шумит и улетает, оставляя после себя разруху и хаос. | She was irritated at being taught by a seagull manager. |
Empty suit![]() |
Someone who is high up in a company due to unfair hiring practices, such as nepotism, and doesn’t really do anything for the company, someone who is not particularly good at their job. | Работник, который не выполняет важную работу, не справляется с ней или устроился по протекции. | It’s about time we told our chief about her inefficient execution – she’s just an empty suit. |
Goldbricker![]() |
An idler. | Человек, увиливающий, уклоняющийся от работы, обязанностей, сачок, лентяй, халтурщик. | These goldbrickers must be dismissed for laziness. |
Happy camper![]() |
A person who is pleased with the situation in which s/he finds him / herself. Often used ironically or in understatement, especially in the negative. | Достаточно довольный собой человек (иронич.). | The employees given some overwork were not a bunch of happy campers. |
Wombat![]() |
1). Waste of money, brain and time. 2). A strange (weird, odd, unusual) person. |
1). «Пустышка» (программа, не стоящая затрат денег, мозгов и времени). 2) Странный человек, странная личность. |
1). Turn off the WOMBAT. 2) He is thought to be a wombat. |
Mover and shaker![]() |
A powerful person who initiates events and influences people. | Первое лицо, влиятельное лицо. | It’s important to hang out with the movers and shakers of the business world. |
Совершенствуйте свои знания языка, используя идиомы, благодаря которым ваша речь будет колоритной, увлекательной и максимально приближенной к речи грамотных носителей языка.
Match the above mentioned business idioms on the left with their meanings on the right.
1. | Lemon | a). | One that is burdensome or superfluous. |
2. | Goldbricker | b). | To add one’s comments or opinion, even if unwanted or unasked for. |
3. | Mickey Mouse job | c). | A bookkeeper. |
4. | A happy camper | d). | An exhausting, usually competitive routine. |
5. | Ideas hamster | e). | A drudge. |
6. | Lip service | f). | A well-paid and easy job. |
7. | Wombat | g). | To be discharged. |
8. | Mover and shaker | h). | A slapdash job. |
9. | Get the boot | i). | Trash, junk. |
10. | Empty suit | j). | A steady dependable source of funds or income. |
11. | Cash cow | k). | A person who is employed as a source of new ideas. |
12. | Stress puppy | l). | If someone describes a country or organization as a …, they mean that its economy or finances are in a seriously bad state. |
13. | Dead wood | m). | An expression of agreement, unsupported by real action. |
14. | Put / stick your oar in | n). | A person who appears to thrive on being stressed, yet whines about it. |
15. | Seagull manager | o). | Someone who makes themselves out to be much more able or important than they really are. |
16. | Dogsbody | p). | A comfortable, contented person. |
17. | Bean counter | q). | A shirker. |
18. | Basket case | r). | A term used to describe a management style of interacting with employees only when a problem arises, making hasty decisions about things they have little understanding of, then leaving others to deal with the mess they leave behind. |
19. | Rat race | s). | Waste of money, brain and time. |
20. | Cushy job | t). | One who wields power and influence in a sphere of activity. |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. |
i). | q). | h). | p). | k). | m). | s). | t). | g). | o). |
11. | 12. | 13. | 14. | 15. | 16. | 17. | 18. | 19. | 20. |
j). | n). | a). | b). | r). | e). | c). | l). | d). | f). |
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