Greetings! Today on “How to destroy the world” we are looking at computer games (Здравствуйте! Сегодня в передаче «Как разрушить мир» мы рассмотрим компьютерные игры). Чтобы уйти от грубой реальности (brutish reality), люди придумали (invented) компьютерные игры, в которых много драк и веселья, но никто не умирает (all the fighting, all the fun, but none of the death). Однако люди не учли, что в то время как все счастливо живут онлайн (everyone is living happily online), реальный мир может перестать существовать (the real world can cease to exist).
- How do you spend your free time? Do you or your friends play computer games? How often?
- Match the words and their definitions:
1 Nasty (adj) a Cruel 2 Brutish (adj) b Thank God! 3 Escape from (v) c Killer 4 Thank goodness! d Unpleasant, dangerous, or painful 5 Ogre (n) e Causing great interest or excitement 6 Slayer (n) f To run away 7 Sword (n) g To come to an end 8 Exciting (adj) h To be 9 Abandoned (adj) i A giant, usually given to eating human flesh 10 Cease (v) j To become very weak or ill 11 Exist (v) k Deserted 12 To fade away l A weapon with a long metal blade and a handle - Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F):
- Life’s always been nasty, brutish and long.
- Computer games were invented as a way to escape from everyday reality.
- Nowadays life is still stressful.
- Susie becomes a space princess in digital world.
- Online Frank is ogre, slayer of mammoth.
- Ogre has his own pub, magic sword, but he hates fighting.
- The digital world is far more exciting than the real world.
- The real world ceases to exist.
- Match A and B to make phrases, translate them into Russian and use in your own sentences:
to fade
to escape
the whole
cease toB
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