Уважаемые преподаватели!
В прошлом году я писала о мероприятии, которое является очень значимым для всех преподавателей английского языка. Речь идет о ежегодной международной конференции IATEFL, которая в этом году будет проходить в городе Харрогейт. Участниками конференции в прошлом году были около 2600 человек, с которыми работали более 500 докладчиков. Более того, каждая конференция имеет онлайн-трансляцию, которую можно смотреть в режиме реального времени. 80 000 преподавателей по всему миру присоединились к онлайн-вещанию конференции из Ливерпуля в 2013 году.
Брайтон, Ливерпуль, Кардифф и Глазго уже принимали у себя гостей конференции. В этом году этой чести удостоен город Харрогейт. Конференция IATEFL 2014 стартует 2 апреля и продлится до 5 апреля включительно. Предлагаю вам ознакомиться со списком докладчиков, которые поделятся ценнейшей информацией в сфере преподавания в этом году. И, конечно, не пропустите онлайн-трансляцию интервью, лекций, семинаров. Это колоссальный источник знаний, который пригодится вам в вашей работе.
В конференции 48th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition принимают участие:
- David Graddol
David Graddol is a British linguist who has worked in applied linguistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, and history of linguistics. Nowadays David Graddol is Director of The English Company (UK) Ltd and Managing Editor of linguistics books and journals for Equinox Publishing. He is joint editor of the CUP journal English Today, and is on the editorial boards of several other journals. David’s publications include ‘The Future of English?’, a seminal research document commissioned by the British Council in 1997, and ‘English Next’ — published by the British Council in 2006.
- Facebook account – facebook.com/graddol
- Twitter account – twitter.com/graddol
- Linkedin account – linkedin.com/in/graddol
- Kathleen Graves
Kathleen Graves is Associate Professor of Education Practice at the University of Michigan. She has worked on curriculum renewal and language teacher education in the U.S., Algeria, Bahrain, Brazil, Japan, and Korea. Her research focuses on the role of classroom practice in curriculum renewal and supporting teachers’ professional development as central to successful educational and curriculum reform.
She is the editor/author of two books on course design, Teachers as Course Developers (Cambridge University Press) and Designing Language Courses: A guide for Teachers (Heinle Cengage). She is the series editor of TESOL’s Language Curriculum Development series. She has also co-authored two textbook series for English language learners, East West (Oxford University Press) and ICON (McGraw-Hill.)
- Michael Hoey
Michael Hoey is a British linguist and Baines Professor of English Language. He has lectured in applied linguistics in over 40 countries. Hoey has authored a number of textbooks on linguistics including Signalling in Discourse (1979), On the Surface of Discourse (1983), Patterns of Lexis in Text (1991), Textual Interaction (2001) and Lexical Priming: A New Theory of Words and Language (2005), which proposes a new way of looking at language based on evidence from corpus linguistics.
Hoey has had a long association with the University of Liverpool, where he began lecturing in 1993. He was Director of the Applied English Language Studies Unit between 1993 and 2003 and is currently Pro Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation; between 2008 and 2009 he was Dean of the university’s Faculty of Arts.
- Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra is Professor of Educational Technology at the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University, England. His interests include Children’s Education, Remote Presence, Self-organising systems, Cognitive systems, Physics and Consciousness. He is best known for his «Hole in the Wall» experiment, and widely cited in works on literacy and education. He is Chief Scientist, Emeritus, at NIIT. He is also the winner of the TED Prize 2013. Since the 1970s, Professor Mitra’s publications and work has resulted in training and development of perhaps a million young Indians.
- Facebook account – facebook.com/sugatam
- Twitter account – twitter.com/Sugatam
Обязательно почитайте статьи этого профессора и послушайте его выступления на известнейшем ресурсе TED talks:
- Jackie Kay
Jackie Kay is an award-winning writer of fiction, poetry and plays, whose subtle investigation into the complexities of identity have been informed by her own life. She was born and brought up in Scotland. The Adoption Papers (Bllodaxe) won the Forward Prize, a Saltire prize and a Scottish Arts Council Prize. Fiere, her most recent collection of poems, was shortlisted for the Costa award. Her novel Trumpet won the Guardian Fiction Award and was shortlisted for the Impac award. She was awarded an MBE in 2006, and made a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 2002. She is Professor of Creative Writing at Newcastle University.
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Я уверена, что мне удалось убедить вас не пропустить столь важное, нужное и полезное мероприятие, как The 48th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition. Президент IATELF, Carol Read, приглашает нас обязательно присоединиться онлайн-трансляции:
Международная конференция IATEFL, которая состоится в 2015 году в Манчестере, станет по счету 49й. Я обязательно сообщу вам о датах ее проведения и новых докладчиках!
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