Тест «Употребление артикля the с географическими названиями»

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Тест «Употребление артикля the с географическими названиями»
Выберите правильный вариант ответа
Задание 1.

... British Isles include two big islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and nearly 6000 small islands.

Задание 2.

... Vesuvius destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii in AD 79.

Задание 3.

As ... Balkan Peninsula is very mountainous, a lot of mineral deposits are found there.

Задание 4.

... North Pole is the northernmost point on Earth, which is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.

Задание 5.

... South Pole is situated on the continent of Antarctica.

Задание 6.

The national currency of ... Jamaica is the Jamaican dollar.

Задание 7.

The South Pole is situated in ... Antarctic.

Задание 8.

We want to go to ... Crimea next summer.

Задание 9.

The flora of ... Madagascar includes 14,883 unique plant species.

Задание 10.

The official language of ... Netherlands is Dutch.

Задание 11.

... Amazon is the second longest river in the world.

Задание 12.

... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Isles.

Задание 13.

... Greenland is the world’s largest island.

Задание 14.

... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth.

Задание 15.

There are 30 bridges over ... Thames in London.

Задание 16.

... Cyprus used to be a British colony until 1960.

Задание 17.

... Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

Задание 18.

... Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa.

Задание 19.

One of the most developed countries is ... United Arab Emirates.

Задание 20.

... Cape Horn is situated on the southern coast of South America.

Задание 21.

... Great Lakes consist of five lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario.

Задание 22.

My dream is to visit ... Canaries one day.

Задание 23.

... Strait of Magellan was discovered by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1520.

Задание 24.

The highest peak of ... Andes is almost 7000 metres.

Задание 25.

... Russian Federation is a sovereign state.

Задание 26.

... Lake Ontario is the smallest of the Great Lakes.

Задание 27.

Many people prefer to spend their summer holidays in ... south.

Задание 28.

... Sahara Desert covers one third of the continent of Africa.

Задание 29.

... Sydney is the largest city in Australia.

Задание 30.

... Death Valley got its name during the California Gold Rush, but the origin of the name if still disputed.

Задание 31.

The worst environmental disaster in … Gulf of Mexico was the oil spilling 2010.

Задание 32.

Is ... Australia a continent or an island?

Задание 33.

... Hague is called “City of Peace and Justice”.

Задание 34.

The most industrial states of the USA are in ... north.

Задание 35.

... Baltic States are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Задание 36.

How many rivers are there in ... Europe?

Задание 37.

The height of ... Niagara Falls is nearly 54 metres.

Задание 38.

The Vatican is situated in ... City of Rome.

Задание 39.

... Fujiyama is the highest mountain in Japan.

Задание 40.

... Cape of Good Hope was hoped to open the way to India.

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Получив высшее педагогическое образование, я начала преподавать английский. Моя работа – мое основное увлечение, в котором я добилась успехов. Я научилась отдыхать с английским, поэтому от преподавания получаю огромное удовольствие. Моя вторая специальность – практический психолог, знания психологии помогают мне понять потребности и особенности студентов. Говорят, что большинство людей владеют знаниями, умные люди умеют применить свои знания, а великие – не перестают учиться никогда. Не останавливайтесь на достигнутом, совершенствуйте себя, открывайтесь новым знаниям, а я вам с радостью помогу!
Обновлено: 11.09.2020
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